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Rickland G. Asai DMD July 2013 Newsletter
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10 Ways You Can Wreck your Teeth - Part 1
We all want to have healthy teeth, but many of us may not be aware that we are sabotaging our tooth health with little daily mistakes. Brushing and flossing are good, but read on if you want to learn about the first five ways that you might be wrecking your teeth.

1.  Baby Bottles at Bedtime: Chances are, if you are a mother you have let your baby fall asleep with a bottle in her mouth. But beware! The longer bacteria are allowed to sit still on baby teeth, the more likely tooth decay will start in your little one. So take the bottle away when she is ready to go to sleep.
2.  Chomping on Ice: Before you stick a piece of ice in your mouth, remember that each time you chomp down you risk cracking your teeth and damaging the surrounding gums.
3.  Teeth Grinding: One of the worst things you can do to your teeth is, ironically, out of your control. Teeth grinding happens at night, usually when we are deep in sleep. Wearing a mouth guard every night can help eliminate this problem.
4.  Gummies: Did you ever notice how gummy candy seems to stick to your teeth all day? Eating gummies poses a dual threat: Sugar + Stickiness. So try to stay away from gummies unless you plan to brush your teeth right after eating.
5.  Starchy Snacks: We bet you didn't think that eating potato chips was bad for teeth, but it is. Starchy snacks get caught between teeth and continue doing damage hours after you have eaten the last chip.

Cheese: The Superfood for your Teeth
We all know that cheese has dietary value. It has many essential nutrients including high quality proteins, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, vitamin A, riboflavin and vitamin B12. Cheese can also help prevent Osteoporosis and can strengthen bones and tissue. Cheese also contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Sphingolipids, substances that can help prevent cancer.

It sounds like cheese is a miracle food, doesn't it? Well, now there is another reason to eat more dairy. Did you know that cheese just might help prevent tooth decay?

According to a recent study in General Dentistry, a peer-reviewed journal, eating cheese and other dairy products can help fight cavities. So next time you find yourself in the dairy aisle, consider the benefits to your teeth as you make each selection.

Is Your Child Afraid of the Dentist?
Did you know that one of the leading causes of children's fear of the dentist stems from parents? According to a recent study in Spain, if a parent is scared of the dentist, chances are that the child will be scared too.

Here is something we bet you didn't know. Fathers were found to be the primary factor in whether or not their children were afraid to visit the dentist. As a rule, mothers usually take children to most doctor appointments. As a result, children tend to pick up fears of the mother without input from the father. Studies concluded that fathers needed to spend more time accompanying their children to the dentist in order to exude a calming presence.
Dr. Asai and his highly trained team would love to hear from you and answer your questions. Simply click the "submit question" link below this message. Referrals are appreciated.

Rickland G. Asai DMD | www.asaidentistry.com | 503-646-4600
11786 SW Barnes Road, Suite 340, Portland, OR 97225



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